On Saturday, March 19, 2016, the Houston Stack met at Neil’s Bahr in Houston, Texas. This divey little joint was packed with all the nerdy, gamer essentials! It was a great meet up where future events, and PAX East was discussed. After the business was concluded, members grabbed a couple of board games and hunkered down for some serious fun!

Apples to Apples was the first game up. A seemingly more tame version of Cards Against Humanity but no less fun. Stack members had a chance to get to know each other, and it was a great warm up for the main event.

It was all out war once the Star Wars Trivial Pursuit was found. The pressure is definitely on when you’ve got a table full of nerdy gamers and Star Wars trivia! It was epic disappointment when you failed to answer a question correctly and received bone crushing high fives for the right answers! The event was very successful, and everyone had a great time. The Houston Stack is looking forward to having even more members at their next event!

Star Wars Trivial Pursuit Winner
More information on the Stacks and the Houston Stack can be found at Stack-Up.Org.