March 31, 2016, a Subaru pulls up to the Collective on Tap, Stack Leader Josh “ffffumbles” Fulmer’s place of employment and a super awesome tap house in Woodinville, WA.
The contents of that Subaru? Mrs. Fulmer and her friend, Paula, bringing in an extra TV and Xbox One for the first Nerd Night at the Collective. After unloading the car, the Seattle Stack took over one of the bar’s TVs and posted up our extra one to accommodate the Wii U that one of the owners brought in for the event.
Always best to wear your safety gear while playing Mario Kart 8.
Josh kicked things off with weekly announcements and let the patrons know about Stack-Up and what we are all about. Then it was time for the games to begin. It was awesome for the Stack members to game with some cool people playing games like Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros., and Halo Combat Evolved.
Stephanie “fannyfaceplant” Fulmer takes on Paula in an intense game of Battleship!
The incredible customers, and friends, of the Collective were able to raise over one hundred dollars in cash during the event. A special thank you and shout out go to the amazing couple that donated a thousand dollar check to support Stack-Up when they stopped in; you know who you are and we can’t thank you enough!
Seattle Stack in gaming action.
Stack-Up Seattle is always looking for more members to come participate in their events like this one as well as to go out and volunteer! If you would like to or know anyone else interested in joining up or helping out please check out the links below! If you or anyone you know would like to donate to Stack-Up and represent the Northwest you can do so here.
Stack Leader Josh “fffffumbles” Fulmer.
More information on the Stacks and the Seattle Stack can be found at Stack-Up.Org.