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The Stacks – Boston Stacks Up at Regal Fenway

The Stacks

Despite its name, the Boston chapter of the Stacks seems more like the New England Stack. Members live hundreds of miles from one another, from New Hampshire to Rhode Island. So while the Boston Stack is proud to actively participate in their community, the sparsity of their members make it difficult to attend the regular events. Over the past six months, the Co-Leads Ben and Tanner have struggled to show off red shirt support at events. Fortunately, with a little help from headquarters, Boston Stacked Up at Regal Fenway with an impressive attendance rating!

The group decided to see Spider-Man: Homecoming through their Discord page. Three members had to bail due to unforeseen difficulties, and three more suffered bumps and train delays. Fortunately, the six attendees managed to make it to Regal Fenway midway through the previews. So with snacks and drinks in hand, the Stack sat in their reclining seats and watched a great summer blockbuster!

After the movie, the group crossed the street to grab some ice cream. There, they talked about their military history and future plans. Turns out that the Boston Stack has members in the Marines Reserves, Army recruits, and an aspiring Navy officer. Of course, all of them have a passion for video games; some even plan to attend the Nintendo event in New York City this weekend!

The movie event lasted just a few hours, but it marked an important step in the Boston Stack’s growth. For some, this was the first time they’d seen any other Stack members outside of the Discord page. The get-together has encouraged members to try attending events in the future: including a Boston Post Mortem event hosted by Harmonix in less than a week!

If you wish to know more about The Stacks and how you can Stack Up in your town, hit the link HERE! If you are in the Boston area and wish to participate in events like this and more contact them HERE.

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