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Supply Crate – Percy

Percy is an Active Duty Air Force member who needs gaming to unwind after a long day, as he told us in his request:

I am a current Active member in the AF. This October will be my 21st year of proud service. When I joined the military initially, I never thought I would make it a career but time flies so fast and here I am. The turning point for me to continue my service happened randomly at a mall within my first 2 or 3 years of enlistment. I was meeting my now wife for lunch and someone stopped me to say thank you for your service. At that moment I realized that my job was much larger than what I thought. I could not imagine myself choosing another career. After my first deployment, I noticed that my patience with people was not as it used to be. My dad used to say I had the most patience than almost anyone he knew but over time it seems to be dwindling. I've always been kind of a nerd(I work with computers in the Air Force) so gaming has always been entertainment but also an outlet for me. I also used to compete in local strength competitions when I was younger and exercise has been a stress buster as well. Over the last several years, as much as I love to run/lift weights/hit the heavy bag/etc, it does not serve the same purpose for me as it used to. Once upon a time, if anything bothered me I could go to the gym or go for a run to reduce stress. In the present, it seems like the only thing that can keep me from not thinking about daily stressors is to just turn on a console for a little while. It has become my 'decompression time'. My mind wanders about stress with my spouse, upcoming work activities and responsibilities, things I need to work on internally, issues concerning my unit and educational goals I'd like to obtain. And with my kids, good Lord I need some time every now and then! It comes and it goes but sometimes even the smallest of everyday moments just makes my heart start beating fast with anxiety. I did not think there was an organization out there like this and very happy that you all are helping other veterans in such a huge way. If I received a supply crate, I would be able to game with some of my other veteran friends. I feel like we are exclusive to a brotherhood/sisterhood in a way that we understand what each other has gone through in our military careers. A lot of good times but unfortunately a lot of stressful days/nights. Thanks

Having been in the Military ourselves, we understand how time spent serving can make a person's patience wear away over time. Sometimes we need a little break away from others or to experience camaraderie with others who have the same goals in such a way that it's easier to get along.

We shipped Percy a Supply Crate, and he sent his response to Ian at the Stack Up Warehouse:

Thank you for reaching out to me. I did receive the items and I have attached the pictures. My wife was a little jealous because she noticed a glow while taking the pictures. It almost brought me to tears just seeing the items and that an organization cares so much to donate to Veterans. Words can't really explain the impact the gifts had. Thank you and your team very much.

We're glad Percy is enjoying the game console we sent him!

Trex_X1 sponsored Percy's Supply Crate. Thank you to Trex_X1 and his community for fundraising the $1k needed to make this gaming care package happen! You can find Trex_X1 on Twitch.

Answering the Call to Arms by donating and fundraising allows us to keep our programs running so that we can serve Veterans through the power of gaming. Exceeding our fundraising goals allows us to go above and beyond for our troops. Help us reach our goal of $350k by hitting the button below and fundraising or donating to the cause!

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