Michael's unit is deployed out in Africa, and he requested a Supply Crate to boost the morale of his Marines.

We are currently supporting crisis response for [redacted]. We are constantly on alert status to provide support for all military branches to include government agencies. Our unit operates and maintains 10 V-22B aircraft out of [redacted]. Supply Crate would dramatically impact our unit to boost morale and incentivize our Marines to earn the privilege of receiving such gifts. I plan on rewarding our hardest workers with possession of whatever we receive.
We sent them a console and some games they can give out or use in their local gaming areas.

Once again we appreciate the package! This will definitely boost morale while we are out here on deployment. The console and games will definitely get good use.
You and your unit are welcome, Michael.

NPCNicki sponsored Micheal's Supply Crate. NPCNicki has recently been playing Rogue Company. If you're interested in checking her out, you can find her on Twitch.
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