Jordan requested a Supply Crate so he could continue to game with his buddies:
My name is Jordan and I play with about 6 different buddies who also serve. We have used video games as a stress relief outlet for quite some time. On July 16th of this year a dear friend and member of my video game group passed in a car accident. My previous console is no longer working due to natural wear and tear as I have used it for some years and lent it to buddies when either I have deployed or they have. A new console would allow me to continue to be there for my other boys and would also help me with my own stress. I would buy a new console but I am a father of two and have a difficult time justifying a $500 purchase for just myself. Love your guys’ support of those who wear the Uniform!
$500 for a game console is a pretty hefty price just to get into gaming with friends. Which is part of why we are here: To help Veterans and Active service members who may be having difficulty accessing a way to get new game consoles. We sent Jordan a gaming care package to help him get back to gaming with friends.

Thanks for the supply crate! Super awesome of Stackup and their sponsors to do this kind of thing! Love you all and God bless!
Glad you found us and glad we could help, Jordan.

Jenarader sponsored Jordan's Supply Crate after raising more than $1000k with her community. We thank her for taking the time to support us. You can check out her channel on Twitch.
We can't make these Supply Crates happen without our supporters. Whether you're looking to donate a console, money, or support, Stack Up has many ways to get involved, as you can check out on our How to Help page or by hitting the button below to fundraise or donate. We're wrapping up the year, so even if you can't fundraise soon, be sure to save our page and sign up next year!