Happy Friday! Let's get into this Supply Crate update.
Today's Supply Crate comes from Bradley, an Active Duty soldier whose unit is deployed in an area with little to do in their off-time.

We are the 339th Military Police Company and we are currently deployed to care for thousands of displaced civilians. This location has been established hastily for this mission, so the resources for our soldiers to relax, re-set, and decompress are sorely lacking. The days are long and time off is limited, so nothing has been done to address morale. To combat this, we are attempting to establish our Morale and Welfare program to assist with the homesickness many soldiers are experiencing and believe this program would provide some of our soldiers a path to address times of loneliness and despair.
We're always happy to help our brothers and sisters in arms with setting up their Morale and Welfare areas. So it's a no-brainer that we sent a Supply Crate out to Bradley and unit.
Sorry for the late reply, its been very busy over here lately. We just want to say thanks again for selecting us for the new Xbox system. The Soldiers have really enjoyed it. Here are some photos of the Soldiers playing with the game system. Again Thank you.
SSG Bradley
Thanks, Bradley! Good gaming.
Why do we do these updates? We usually send responses to the Supply Crate Sponsors whenever we receive one. We wait a bit so the sponsors can show them to their community then we share them with you.

Thanks to PinkQT_ for sponsoring Bradley and his unit's Supply Crate. You can help us thank her further by checking out her Twitch channel.
We're getting closer to the year's end. Check up on our progress toward our fundraising goal by hitting the button below.