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Staying Social During Covid-19 Lockdown

VR CHAT: The first game I’d like to feature is none other than VR Chat. This game was built to bring people together in an online social hub where they can meet up with their friends and have a good time together even though they could be miles apart. The best part is that while the game may have VR in the name, it doesn’t require a super expensive headset to play at all. In fact, all you need to play is an account because it is a free to play game!

Now we all know that VR Chat can be toxic and very, VERY memey, but there are a lot of ways to work around the normal VR Chat Crowd. One of the best practices is to white list your friends and have them join you in a private room. This ensures that you and your friends can enjoy each others company in peace. Other things you can do to stay social with VR Chat is to embrace the chaos and just jump in a populated server and chat away. Who knows, you might just even make more friends. If neither of these options sound entertaining enough, VR Chat has a massive amount of underpopulated servers that you and your friends could join and explore. While VR Chat is excellent for exploration and sitting down and chatting, what if you’d rather play a board game with someone? We have the perfect answer.

Tabletop Simulator: Ahh yes, Tabletop Simulator, the game of infinite games and a perfect game to help you maintain your social activity. Sometimes the best way to socialize is by doing it old school with a board game.

Okay… so Tabletop Simulator may not exactly be ‘old school,’ but its still an excellent alternative when trying to abide by the rules of social distancing. No matter what board game you wish to play, you can find it on Tabletop Simulator or the Steam Workshop, the possibilities are endless. You can play Classic games like Monopoly, Chutes and Ladders, Poker, and Yahtzee, or more intense board games like Catan, Betrayal at House on The Hill, and Cards Against Humanity. You name the game, and there is a Tabletop Simulator version waiting for you.

This game is currently on sale on steam for 50% off making it only $9.99 which is an extremely good price for a game with as much versatility as this one. The only tabletop game that Tabletop Simulator doesn’t do the best job at simulating is… well, why don’t we just skip to the next highlight and I can tell you there.

Roll20: That’s right, I couldn’t forget about the best tabletop experience of all time. Dungeons and Dragons has been making a huge resurgence of popularity in pop culture recently (thanks Critical Role) and Roll20 is the perfect place to put a virtual campaign together.

Dungeons & Dragons has been bringing people together for years. Whether it be slaying the dragon that is tormenting a town, overthrowing a corrupt monarch, or even getting drunk at the local tavern, this tabletop game is a fun way for people to express themselves with their friends. Roll20 is an excellent and free way to keep the same amount of fun and fantasy in your life without having to leave your home.

We hope that all of you are staying safe and healthy during these trying times. If you find that you are in need of mental help, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our S.T.O.P. team on discord. We are always going to be here for you. Now go and stay connected with your friends and family. Game on everyone!

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