Shreveport Chapter of The Stacks Gets out for Gears Of War Action!
By: Brandon Buckalew

Stack events come in many different forms and ESports events are no exception. Members of the Louisiana chapter of The Stacks, John Perez, David Coston and Andrea Labor along with their Stack Lead Brandon Buckalew attended the New Orleans Gears of War Pro Circuit recently. A few of the attendees took the opportunity to play some games with representatives from the Microsoft Store.

The weekend was packed with heated matches from international teams competing for nearly a quarter of a million dollars in prize money. The Shreveport chapter of The Stacks took the chance to meet and talk with the teams as well as the Coalition team. The backstage access was open as well, allowing them to see just what all goes on behind the scenes at one of these events.
It was a great time that allowed veterans and civilians to bond over gaming in a different way. Just like cheering on sports teams, the ESports teams had their fans and fan favorites were discussed at length. In the end, champions OpticGaming were gracious enough to share a photo with us.

If you are in Louisiana and would like to get involved with this chapter of The Stacks and participate in more events like this please check out their information HERE. Not in that part of the country, not to worry! You can find a chapter of The Stacks closest to you HERE and Stack Up with us today!