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the stacks san fran at the rohnert park veteran center

We once again check in with The Stacks. This time the San Francisco Stack keeps finding new ways to keep the action exciting with their ongoing relationship with the Rohnert Park Veteran Center. Read below to check out the fantastic time they had this past Veterans Day.


The San Francisco Bay Area Stack and the Rohnert Park Veteran Center did something a little different for this particular day. We started at 1600 hours and gathered at the Rohnert Park Veteran Center. We piled into a van and a few other cars to drive to the local Applebee’s for dinner. Applebee’s on Veteran’s Day provides free meals to Veterans. It was a delicious dinner with Veterans from several generations seated together. We talked shop (military stuff) and had a great time together under one roof and at one table.

The Stacks

After we had finished our meal, we traveled back to the Rohnert Park Veteran Center, where the gaming stations were all set up for our first attempt to do a single game focused night. This particular night was blessed with Battlefield 1. We had five Battlestations engaging in 32 and 64 player warfare. It was a blast as well as entertaining to hear the call outs between the veterans as we are from all different services.


In typical fashion, we transitioned to Jackbox 3 to end the night. It was the first time we had all gotten to play the new Jackbox. San Francisco Bay Area Stack Lead Anthony was the only member to have played it before and while he provided instructions to everyone else; he also took advantage of the situation. During Trivia Murder Party, Anthony led everyone to believe they needed to pick a certain option and he chose the other option; effectively killing everyone else and leaving him to live. “Blue Falcon,” everyone chided at Anthony.


It was a funny moment, and everyone learned their lesson for the next round. The night was peaceful and brought us all together through our love of gaming and camaraderie. Juan and TellTale Games brought a box full of goodies for the Veterans there that night. It was an incredibly kind gesture, and everyone was extremely appreciative.


What an amazing job out there in San Francisco! We can not wait to see the ongoing development of this amazing relationship!

If you would like to get involved and are in the San Francisco area hit up the San Fran Stack HERE! Not in the Bay area, no worries we have Stacks all over the country, hit this LINK to find out more and StackTFUp in your town today!

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