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the stacks answering the call to arms

This past weekend was the Stack Up Call To Arms makeup weekend! First, we wish to thank all of the fantastic people who took time out of their days to participate. There were many great streams to watch and it was exciting to see the community Stack Up to support the mission.

Some of these streamers included members of “The Stacks” our local level outreach program, a core part of the Stack-Up team, they are a living breathing extension of the passionate people behind

Let’s take a look at just a couple of these Stack Streamers and why they chose to get involved…

VioletKrumble – Minnesota

The feeling of doing something you know is right, fun and downright awesome is what I got from joining the gamers of the world with Stack Up’s Call to Arms these past two weekends. Being part of a Stack, even a lead at that, has meant the world to me, and it gives me great pride to represent and game for such a great charity.

Call To Arms

I gave up my weekend not just to play video games and binge for 24 hours, but to support a cause that means so much to me, and to give back to those who have given so much. To see so many gamers give their time and patience to stream one or both weekends was just amazing, I have never been so proud to be a member of such a giving and great community. This has to have been the BEST marathon I have ever done, and to do it with such amazing people and The Stacks just made it that much better. I can’t wait for the next one!!

Joshua “Fumbles” – Seattle

I’ll be honest, in no way shape or form did I plan to spend over 19 hours streaming this weekend. After having a crazy work week I did want to get online and get some game time in though. Due to the perfect timing of the universe and admittedly some planning on my part, I got to stream for Stack Up’s Call to Arms.

Call To Arms

Most of the time was spent on my stream, with a little bit of Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes with my wife and friends. But naturally I found my way into my safe space, learning more about league of legends. After gaming with LittleShawn and Ranqor, we talked ShanghiSix into joining the party. Once we started dominating matches as the notorious HookBros, everyone ended up heading to bed. Except me. Someone had to hold down the fort!

This is what it means to Stack Up!

As a reminder Call To Arms does not end here, it is a year-round drive and there is still time for you to Stack Up in your own way and support the cause. Hit the image below to find out how you can answer the Call and Stack Up to put on your own Call To Arms stream.

Call To Arms
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