Operation Supply Drop Founder Hits the Reset Button, Launches Military Charity Stack-Up.Org
PITTSBURGH ”“ Nov. 9, 2015 ”“ After founding military charity Operation Supply Drop (OSD) in 2010, US Army Captain Stephen “Shanghai Six” Machuga is hitting the proverbial reset button with the official announcement of the formation of Stack-Up.Org, a charitable organization created with the goal of supporting members of U.S. and allied military through the joy of video games.
Stack-Up supports members of our military through three separate programs: Supply Crates, Air Assault and The Stacks.
The Supply Crate program sends boxes filled with thousands of dollars worth of gaming gear to units deployed in combat zones or military hospitals.
The Air Assault program flies deserving combat or serviced disabled veterans to amazing gaming opportunities such as studio tours or gaming conventions.
The Stacks program is a local initiative where both veteran and civilian gamers can come together to do a variety of fun activities, as well as do volunteer work supporting veterans throughout their community.
“OSD is a tremendous organization that supports veterans through a variety of ways, but I personally wanted to get back to the original missions and values on which I founded the charity, by helping our troops solely through the healing power of videogames,” said Machuga. “Videogames saved my life, and helped me transition when I came back home from my deployment overseas. With Stack-Up, I hope to bring what helped me personally to others in similar positions. Hence our promise ”“ “Veterans are our mission. Gaming is our passion.”
With the launch of Stack-Up.Org, Machuga is kicking off the first charitable giving campaign titled ”˜No More Socks’.
The name of the campaign comes from the fact that while deployed, Machuga and his fellow soldiers would get boxes upon boxes of footpowder and socks along with other knick-knacks from friends and family. It got to a point that when asked what his friends and family should send to make his deployment easier, Machuga replied “Just no more socks!”
The #NoMoreSocks campaign marks the first official fundraiser to start building out “Stack-Up Supply Crates”, filled with the latest and greatest in gaming hardware sent to deserving deployed units abroad and veterans recovering at medical facilities here at home. Through Nov. 9-10, Machuga and other Stack-Up members will be playing the newly released Fallout 4 on the new Stack-Up Twitch page, answering questions on camera and in chat about Stack-Up and helping interested folks support the new charity. Big name Twitch streamer Trick2G and his 2G Army have stepped up to take on the first Veterans Day launch stream throughout Nov. 11 to raise money for the charity with various giveaways and prizes all throughout the day. On Nov. 11, Stack-up founders will be attending various Veterans Day events across Pittsburgh on behalf of the charity.
Fellow Army Veteran Specialist Nathan Serefine will be relocating to Pittsburgh, the home base for the new charity, to once again team up with Machuga as they did while serving together side by side in Iraq.
“When we served together in Iraq, I would have followed Steve to the ends of the earth. That’s something that just doesn’t change when you leave military service. I’m humbled and honored to be by his side once again so we can carry out this new mission and touch the lives of as many veterans and gamers as possible. We’ve come a long way since we met and bonded over a couple of Game Boy Advances. I’m thrilled to be doing this with him.”
If you would like learn more about StackUp.org or the #NoMoreSocks Campaign to help support our deployed military members and veterans recovering from injuries, click here to visit Stack-Up.org.
For interview requests or corporate sponsorship information, please email contact@stack-up.org.