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Supply Crate – Sean

Hard work deserves good rewards, and what is better than a gaming care package? Today's Supply Crate update comes from a hardworking group that spends hours on maintenance to keep things running in the Army. Sean sent in a request for his group:

We are a small group providing maintenance support at our location. The soldiers working beside me are working extremely hard, doing outstanding work and not complaining at all. I would love for them to have something exciting to do in the time they are not working.

Hopefully, some video games can help with that! We sent Sean and his group a Supply Crate, and they sent us a reply:

Stack up & Grinning_Crow,
Today my team and I received the package and would like to sincerely thank you for your generosity! We are beyond thankful for everything we have received. This is going to significantly impact the overall morale and give each of Soldier tons of enjoyment. We have set the console up at our office and I can already tell it will be getting tons of use! I have attached a photo with half of our crew after opening the package. Again, thank you, Stack up and Grinning_Crow!!
Sean T. Sanders

Get plenty of gaming in over there, soldiers.

Thanks to Grinning_Crow for fundraising the $1k needed to send out yet another gaming care package via our Supply Crates program. Find him on Twitch here.

Join the Call to Arms and help us continue to send out more and more Supply Crates every year! Hit the button below to sign up for a DonorDrive page.

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