We hope you're all having a great day out there. Today's Supply Crate update comes from Patrick, who was deployed and seeking a way for his soldiers to have fun.
I'm currently deployed with the 1303rd MP Co in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. This is my 3rd deployment but for a lot of my guys it's their first one and they are having a hard time adjusting and trying to occupy their time out of work. A few of us including myself have children and use gaming with them as a chance to talk with them and try to spend time with them. A gaming care package would also be very helpful with keeping my soldiers away from things that might cause them to get in trouble and I would like to use it as a way to build stronger bonds between us all.
My mom once said when asked why she would ever let her kids play video games, "At least that means they're at home and not out getting into trouble." And she was right. Now we're not saying these soldiers are kids, but we remember being in the service and how much shenanigans we could get into in our off-time. Especially when bored, lonely, and needing to let off steam. Gaming was one of those things that kept us busy instead of out seeking trouble.
Thank you so much for the care package! It has already improved the moral of my soldiers and they have been enjoying playing games with each other and loved ones back home.
Thanks for reaching out, Patrick! We're always glad to help.
KayJay sponsored Patrick and the 1303rd MP Co's Supply Crate. If you're ever looking for new streamers to follow and watch, you can find his channel here. Hit KayJay's tag at the bottom of this post to see another Supply Crate KayJay sponsored.
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