It's the best day of the week, everyone. Let's get your weekend started right with a Supply Crate report. Michael, an Army veteran living with PTSD requested a crate because video games were the first thing he could think of that bring him joy. In his request he told us a littlle about himself:
I had 2 combat deployments. Ran convoy security in Iraq 06-07 and HIMARS mission in Afghanistan in 2015. Ive suffered from PTSD and have been hospitalized multiple times. My dr suggest that I do things that used to bring me joy and gaming was the first thing that came to mind. I’m down to try anything and I’m excited about getting my mojo back.
These pictures of an excited Michael with his brand new PS4, gear, and games was more than enough of a reply for us. We hope they bring you as much joy as sending Supply Crates out to Michael, as it does for us.

Michael rocked these pictures he sent us. Video game companies should take notes on how to market their products.
This Supply Crate was sponsored by Chrisifix, who fills out a Stack Up Call to Arms T-shirt really well.
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