Kendrick served in the U.S. Marines and requested a Supply Crate to give himself something to use for bonding with his son. He's a lifelong gamer and knows how gaming can help people connect with each other from his own experiences:
Gaming has always been a part of my life. Growing up in a small town in Mississippi me and my older brother bonded gaming. When we weren't helping my grandpa with chores, we found an escape in video games. When I was 12 years old me and my brother moved to Jacksonville, FL to live with my mom. I remember gaming away the summer nights. Those are some of my fondest memories I have of my life. We'd play the games and draw artwork with the characters from the games. Well years passed and life got challenging. I was 17 years, and my brother was 19 years when he was murdered. The 100th person to die that year in Jacksonville. Just like that my brother, best friend and gaming buddy was gone. This happened my senior year in high school. --- --- I found myself lost and angry. Gaming was something relied on heavily to cope with the loss. It helped me reminisce on good times and cope with the loss. That year I also found discipline becoming a cadet in my school’s JROTC program. I had an uncle in the army I looked up to a lot. Him and ROTC inspired me to be in the military. I wanted to make my uncle proud, understand my country better and build a life centered on discipline and honor. --- --- Well depression does not care if you are a US Marine or just a kid from Mississippi. A lot changed for me in 2009. A year into my Marine Corps career. I lost a close friend and comrade, PFC Derrick Ruggles. He died in a car accident, and he was my only buddy in the USMC at the time. Funny how that works because I did not like him initially, but we talked and found out we had a lot in common with each other. He’d get me to come out my room and inexperience the state of California. When we weren’t burning rubber going on adventures we’d go to his room and game. Gaming gave us time a reflect, reminisce and enjoy an escape from the daily grind of the Corps. --- --- Finally, 2010 I find myself in Afghanistan, deployed. I made deep bonds on that deployment. The only comparison would be the me and my brother. No matter how hard things got and no matter what we saw I felt safe cause I had brothers. Bonds built on survival, music, art and gaming. Once again video games played pivotal role in my life. No matter how hard things have gotten for me games helped me cope and connect to others. Drinking and smoking never let me be who I really was. Gaming let me escape and at the same time be my true self. --- --- Years, later I would like to share that bond with my son. He is currently a toddler, but I would like to brush off the rust and get ready to play video games and bond with him. I hope I conveyed this message as clear. I sincerely would love your help to continue to build toward a healthy future. Thank you regardless. --- d toward a healthy future. Thank you regardless.

We are sorry Kendrick has dealt with the loss of family and friends who have been part of his life. Rest in peace to Kendrick's brother and his friend Derrick. Gaming is our favorite way of connecting with people around here, and we're glad Kendrick has found people through it.
Our warehouse staff knew we absolutely had to fulfill Kendrick's Supply Crate request, so they packed up a new console and shipped it off.
I want to thank you all one more time and Godbless you all.
Enjoy gaming with your son, Kendrick.

EdgarAlanBro, a longtime Stack Up supporter, 2-time Call to Arms LIVE Champion, and current Influencer Relations Team member sponsored Kendrick's Supply Crate. He's a pretty cool and fun guy, so if you ever want to check him out when he goes live, check out his channel.
You can also ask Edgar about Stack Up if you ever want to get involved and make a go at fundraising $1500 and sponsoring a Supply Crate. Hit the button below if you'd like to see where we are at with our current fundraising goal.