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Supply Crate – Judson

Judson requested a Supply Crate to help him cope with his pains, both physical and mental:

I am a 100% disabled Air Force vet who has multiple mobility issues. It’s really hard for me to get out and play with my kids without making the pain worse. I also suffer with bouts of depression from PTSD and have found gaming helps me escape the negative and refocus on something else. It also allows for me to be able to spend quality time with my children and make great memories by teaching them games. I have already taught them some of the games in my classic NES system and they love it! I’m usually doing what I can for other veterans by helping them navigate the VA or if they need a listening ear I’m there. I understand what it means to be counted out or feel alone and I try to keep others especially veteran brothers and sisters from experiencing that or falling down that hole.

How does a video game help when you have physical or mental health pain? Gaming can help Veterans enter a zone where our focus is placed on what we're playing rather than the pains we've been left with after active service. Playing a game can also allow us to escape the thoughts and feelings that may torment us mentally.

Judson was probably too busy planning some game nights that his wife sent us a response instead:

Thank you all for making this happen!!!! Thank you to Matoro for sponsoring my husband and his fellow vets!!! My husband was sooo surprised and couldn’t believe it was real! He has been having so many hard times lately this is going to be a huge help for him to escape and bond with other vets! He has already messaged a handful of his vet buddies to setup a gaming night. He looks forward to meeting new fellow vets online and helping other vets through tough times through the medium of gaming! Thank y’all again so much!!!
A grateful wife,

We're glad he can game with some friends. If he or anyone who happened upon this post needs a community of Veterans to game with, they're welcome to the Stack Up discord.

Matoro has been a longtime Stack Up supporter and is a great guy to work with and watch if you ever have the time. You can find him on Twitch. He plays games like Minecraft and takes some pretty awesome spaceflight photos.

The Call to Arms isn't over until December 31st at midnight. We have just enough time to close in on our goal. Help us get there by donating today. Hit the button below to support Veteran through gaming!

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