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Supply Crate – Jonathon

Writer's picture: Stack UpStack Up

We're going to keep our part on today's Supply Crate update short and sweet as we want the focus on recipient Jonathon and his story:

I joined the Marines in 2000, deployed to Iraq during the invasion with 3/4 7marines. Came home kinda off feeling. Went back for Fallujah saw my high school friend get shot and killed. Came home still off feeling but the leadership was telling everyone it was normal. Well i was selected for security forces, did a year tour in Bahrain. Came home and was selected for a new unit. Police transition team, we did a year training then deployed to Iraq. We was embedded with the Iraqi police. We trained them on how to do proper police works. Well we was on a patrol on night and a ied went off and it injured myself and 3 others. No lives was lost thank god. Well i was denied the purple heart because i didn't have oper wounds. Well we came back to the states. I was put in 3/9 in camp Lejeune. During a run my legs went limp and i had back surgery to correct the problem. I ended up with 6 screws 2 rods in my back. Then med Discharged . I tried to get my life back together but fought with my wife till she left with my daughter. I lived in my truck until i couldn't take it no more. I moved in with my wife we still fought but we tried to make it work, well it ended. I finally went and seen the va about how I was feeling and was diagnosed with tbi and ptsd. Im 90% unemployable. Well i bought a house so i could see my daughter, and she at the age where we play video games. I picked up a used ps4 at a yardsale about 4 years ago and it finally stopped working. I found it helped me relax and sleep if i played it at night.

PTSD and other mental health problems are still not taken as seriously as they should be, and back when Jonathon served, even less so. TBI is also something that completely affects someone's life. A traumatic brain injury can alter how someone feels, interacts with the world, and overall function.

As Jonathon mentioned, gaming helped him relax and sleep at night. Sleep is detrimental to good health, so we knew we had to ensure Jonathon received a Supply Crate.

Stack Up,
You will never know how much i appreciate this. Thank you for everything y'all are doing for veterans.

And we'll keep doing it. Thanks to Jonathon for reaching out.

Bawsse sponsored Jonathon's, Supply Crate. He plays a lot of Dead By Daylight so if that's what you're looking for, find him at this link!

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