We're here with your Monday pick-me-up in the form of a Supply Crate update. Today's update came from Johnathan, an Army Veteran. This one will be short, but sometimes knowing there's some good out there is all we need.
I am a 100% P&T veteran with PTSD and a myriad of other issues. Gaming has been my escape my whole life. Being on disability income alone with a family of 5 makes finances rough. I could use my escape again.
We definitely could not leave Johnathan hanging on getting a new console, especially while caring for his family and needing an escape for his mental health. We packed and shipped a Supply Crate, and this was his reply:
Just Arrived today!!!! THANK YOU ALL!!!!
Capital letters are usually a good sign on a Supply Crate reply. Thanks, Johnathan, for reaching out!
BrowerPowerGaming sponsored Johnathan's, Supply Crate. Thanks to BrowerPowerGaming and community for putting the work in to bring some joy to a Veteran's life.
As always, we would be remiss if we didn't tell you that you could help us supply more Supply Crates by signing up for a DonorDrive by hitting the button below.