Sometimes while out on deployment, our servicemembers need a little something to cheer them up. Opening up a gaming care package makes for a great way to surprise them.
Jeremiah requested a Supply Crate for his unit so that they could escape into the worlds held within video games:
I am the First Sergeant for a unit of 93 personnel. We have two teams who are assigned to other countries so we currently have 73 Soldiers assigned here in Kuwait. My soldiers work every day with sporadic time off and difficult scheduling often having to work 24 operations. While I want them to pursue other hobbies in addition to gaming, I recognize that being able to disconnect from their harsh environment for a bit and have some truly relaxing time playing games with their fellow Soldiers provides an unmeasurable boost to morale. Thank you for the work that your organization does as one of my Soldiers just received an individual crate and was overjoyed at having been selected!

The best part about sending out Supply Crates is that when a Veteran or Active servicemember receives one, they get to tell other people about it, and in turn, those people apply for a Supply Crate. We sent Jeremiah a Supply Crate to share, and he responded:
Good afternoon,
Just wanted to send you a giant thank you from here in Kuwait for the Supply Crate.
I can't tell you how much it means to me and my Soldiers to have the support of people like y'all.
Please tell your donor thanks beyond measure!
We always let our sponsors and their communities know about the responses to their sponsored Supply Crates.

Longtime supporter and cool guy CNMercy now MercyScuba sponsored Jeremiah and his unit's Supply Crate. We think you should check him and the community he's created out if you have the chance. Click the tag with Mercy's old username to see more Supply Crates he's been part of.
May is on its way! Sign up to fundraise for our big Memorial Day push. Let's see if we can hit our initial goal of $350k by the end of it.