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Supply Crate – Hundred Heroes #42

It is time that we check in with another of our Hundred Heroes Supply Crate recipients!

Supply Crate

This one comes to us from Christopher who is in the Army. Keep reading to check out the full request below:

I am a medically retired veteran that just finished school. Was an Abrams Tank Mechanic, then supply before I was med boarded for TBI and PTSD. Hosting two kids one from Italy and one from Netherlands for the school year. Would be awesome to get a console to sit back and relax with.

We were all too happy to mark Christopher down for one of our Hundred Heroes Supply Crates! When he received the crate he sent back some words of thanks along with a pretty cool pic of him with all the gear!

Got the box today and was amazed. Thank you guys so much.

Thank you, Christopher, we are glad that the Supply Crate brought some joy to you this holiday season!

We also want to say a special thank you to ItsPlanB and his community for answering the Call to Arms and helping out with this Supply Crate!

If you’d like to make a donation that gets sent over to our troops as a Supply Crate, Stack-Up takes lightly used PS4, and Xbox One games and gear as well as cash donations. Please help us help these vets out here:

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