We recently received this request for a Supply Crate from John. He is currently deployed while serving in the USAF.
I’m a TSgt in the USAF deployed to Qatar.
My career field is computer systems, but I work on telephone systems at this location. We have a lot of guys here that would appreciate any type of entertainment you can send. The days are long and hard and the weather is crazy… suffice it to say that even when we have down time, we’re not doing a lot of “playing” outside.
Even if we are not chosen for an air drop, I want to thank you for all you do for deployed military. When we’re away from home, it’s good to know that there are people back there that even think about us. And it’s really nice to get letters and packages in the mail. Lets us know that there are some who are thinking about us. So I ask that even if we do not get a Supply Crate here, send us a letter letting us know that you got our request… it’ll be appreciated.
– John
Well John, we here at Stack-Up can do a bit better than a letter back.
We, of course, went to work packing up a full crate of goodies for John and his fellow Airmen. We started with an Xbox One plus all the trimmings, with headsets and games galore! Plus we tossed in some valuable gaming related reading material and of course a stack of tan Stack-Up shirts. It wasn’t long and we had John’s crate of gaming goodness sent off to downrange.
When the crate was received we, in turn, were sent some great pictures and this fantastic thank you from John.

Hey, guys!
I want to thank you guys so much for the MASSIVE Supply Crate we received! I don’t know what I expected when I applied but never expected all of this.
I love that the T-Shirts can be worn under our uniforms and I don’t think the game informer magazines were in the office more than a few minutes before they were “spoken for”.

I have attached some pictures of me and some of my guys setting up the system. Because of the nature of our job we couldn’t have everyone come in at once.

We have started tournaments on Thursdays with the winner getting an extra half-day off.
Thank you again!

Thank you, John, and your fellow Airmen for your service! We hope the gaming entertainment will help combat those long work hours!
If you’d like to make a donation that gets sent over to our troops, Stack-Up takes lightly used PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One games and gear as well as cash donations. Please help us help these vets out here:
