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Supply Crate – Edward

Edward requested a Supply Crate for his VFW Post located in Fayetteville, NC. He wanted a console for group events so they could stop having to borrow members' consoles and have one on hand to use.

VFW Post 6018 host many single soldiers as they return from deployments and major exercises to show them how important and how special they are. It has really been growing over the past months we have outgrown the resources that we have. I recently heard about this program and it would definitely help us grow in what we are trying to do for these soldiers. We started doing it in the units dayrooms and one day we had the idea to move it off post so they could get away from the post environment for a few hours. We usually borrow consoles and games from them or our members but it would be very helpful if we had our own console and games so we would have a little more to offer. Thank you so much for your consideration.

That's something we've never considered. Gamers in the Military often have to move their consoles around and keep mobile, whether deployed or living on base in a barracks. VFW posts offer a place to stop and enjoy oneself and having to pack up the latest consoles is heavy work. These consoles are practically bricks and probably shouldn't be moved around too often. The folks bringing their consoles out are certainly taking on a level of risk to their own consoles just to help others have a good time.

I just want to thank you so much for this gaming system. It will be used to bring closeness to me and my members. A lot of us struggle in so many ways and now we have another outlet to pull us closer together. We talked about something like this so many times and after hearing about your organization it is now a reality. Thank you so very much. You have changed some lives forever.

Enjoy the console Edward and we know the folks visiting VFW Post 6018 enjoy it too!

The WakeTV DBD Tournament folks sponsored this Supply Crate. They sponsored another Supply Crate which can be read about here: Supply Crate - Joseph

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