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Supply Crate – Beau

Beau is her unit's full-time readiness NCO. Full-time readiness NCOs are responsible for taking care of the needs of a unit in response to carrying out their missions ranging from training to supply and even the welfare of the unit. Beau reached out because he noticed his unit's morale has been tanking:

I am my units full time readiness nco. Looking to improve morale within the unit. We hit the ground running since our year tour in afghanistan 2019. Since then we had to reintregate to civilian life which was rough considering covid just started, making it so we couldnt reintregrate due to the illness and missions it brought like at testing sites, hospitals and security (airports and ports) during that, then civil unrest riots flared up. where we deployed to kenosha, green bay and milwaukee wisconsin. Numorous times. Assisting law enforcement by getting yelled at by civilians getting rocks and items thrown at us, haveing lasers shined in our eyes and faces. (All while just returning from Afghanistan.) Then we had Political polling security and man power missions. Ensureing polling locations were open and secure throughout the state. Then we deployed to washington DC for Jan 6 response where we had capital building security missions for 3 months. Once missions died down a bit (except covid, still recovering from those loooong missions) our optempo was high from all the training we had missed. Longer drill weekends, annual trainings, xctc and 2 Jrtc training events. Then our nasty withdrawl from Afghanistan. Where we just left. With that and our optempo being so, our high morale took a hit bad. We lost 4 Soldiers to suicide in our Battalion and I prolly saved 4 Soldiers sence then myself from Suicide in my unit alone. So I know its taking a toll. We now have a deployment again to Iraq and Kuwait 2025. So already doing the train up since optempo has not changed and still high. Our Soldiers are young as most are new. Im the oldest in the entire unit, being in Army since 2002. So i try and keep up with these young bucks. (So if you have a XBOX X, with my name on it, i wont be mad. lol) I am planning a holiday party for my unit on December 9th. So any assistance to make this one a great one would greatly, greatly be appreciated. Lots of love and thank you for YOUR Service! SFC Beau Ps I put my home address so my Admin NCO doesnt see any packages as I want to surprise my unit. I can give unit address if you still need it.

We're sorry for the loss of our troops to suicide. Serving in the Military can be hard not just physically but mentally it can take a toll that sends people into the darkest places within themselves. Some of our staff have lost friends and fellow unit members to suicide and know all too well how much the Military can break a person.

We use gaming to not only have fun but to give other Veterans and Active Military a reprieve from the darkest places in their minds. We hope that by sending units like Beau's a console they can play together and gain a sense of belonging while finding relief.

Hello Ian,
Package has been received. Thank you so much!! The unit hasn’t been together for some time now. BUT we leave Saturday to Fort Johnson (AKA Fort Polk) Louisiana for a JRTC Rotation and won’t be back until July with no drill until August.
But I will get creative and get some photos to you. I have no social media platforms so can’t post there but I can send you my photos to use and post. Had to show off my Willie Jeep go cart photo. Then picture of Me at Capital, wife and I and My service dog.
Again, SUPER SUPER GREATFUL and excited to get a crate from Supply Crate. Please let ME know what I can do to help support this program. Thank you.

Thanks, Beau, we hope your unit uses this gaming care package well!

Moridrex sponsored Beau's Supply Crate! Moridrex has sponsored multiple Supply Crates which we are very grateful for and plays games like Minecraft. Love you some Minecraft? Check out his channel on Twitch.

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