Soon gamers and developers from all over will converge upon Seatle for a Labor Day weekend dedicated to celebrating the hobby we all love. PAX West will certainly be full of some of the best gaming has to offer all available to try and play but PAX is also about the people and meeting old friends and new. It is also a time when for many we can connect with our favorite developers and get an inside look, a peek behind the curtain, of what goes into making our games through the amazing panels that will be scheduled throughout the event.
Kicking off this year’s Keynote will be Amy Hennig previously the Creative Director of the Uncharted series and currently at Visceral Games as Creative Director of the untitled Star Wars project. “Amy’s revolutionary work on the Uncharted series played an immeasurable role in shaping the modern gaming landscape, We’re thrilled PAX West attendees will have the chance to listen to one of gaming’s leading visionaries.” is what Jerry Holkins, co-founder of Penny Arcade said of the announcement and I honestly, couldn’t agree more.
Those who have spent countless hours playing the Uncharted series can certainly attest to the quality of Amy’s groundbreaking work. It should certainly be an interesting panel full of insight from one of gaming’s best!
PAX West will feature a full schedule of panels and events which can be found on their website, so make sure to keep an eye out for all the excitement available throughout the weekend. PAX descends upon the Washington Convention Center in Seattle Washington this September, 2-5.

Make sure to stand by right here on Stack-Up.Org as we will be in attendance throughout the event and will be bringing you lots of coverage from the show floor. Let us know if you will be attending in the comments below and if you see the Red Shirt Raiders walking around the convention hall make sure to come on by, say hello and Stack Up!