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nexon m teams with stack up org for a streaming event givingpath feb 4 7

Stack-Up is pleased to announce our partnership with Nexon M as they show their support to those who serve during their #givingPATH campaign. Throughout this event, Nexon M will match donations up to $5,000! Nexon M is a mobile game developer and publisher with a focus on free-to-play games. Their newest mobile game, Path of War, is an MMO combat strategy experience of American conquest. What better way to support our troops than to join them in this campaign running from February 4th ”“ 7th?

Please support them as they support Stack-Up.Org! You can find the schedule below, so feel free to stop into chat and show them our gratitude for what they are doing. Let’s get the word out about #giving PATH as Nexon M teams up with Stack-Up.Org in supporting our troops through gaming!

KamcordTime Zone: Pacific Standard Time (PST) February 4th – 7thThursday 2/4/2016Streamer NameChannel Link1:00pm – 3:00pmRepzilla – 2/5/2016Streamer NameChannel Link10:00am – 12:00pmRepzilla – – 2/6/2016Streamer NameChannel Link1:00pm – – – 2/7/2016Streamer NameChannel Link12:30pm – – –

TWITCHTime Zone: Pacific Standard Time (PST) February 4th – 7thThursday 2/4/2016Streamer NameChannel Link1:00pm – 3:00pmfunk2929 2/5/2016Streamer NameChannel Link1:00pm – 3:00pmfunk2929 – 10:00pmPhallofPhariss 2/6/2016Streamer NameChannel Link8:00pm – – 10:00pmPhallofPhariss 2/7/2016Streamer NameChannel Link8:00pm – 

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