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February 12, 2016 at 1530

The San Francisco Bay Area Stack Team conducted their first event held at the residence of Anthony Keeton, the Stack Lead. Members Brandon, Garrett, and Sam spent the night discussing Stack-Up and its mission. The team brainstormed future events and how to better engage with the surrounding communities and veterans. Planning will begin shortly for LAN events run in conjunction with the Northbay Veteran Center.


Upon completion of the purpose and direction driven portion of the meeting, the team set their sights on gaming on the Xbox One and officially launched the San Francisco Bay Area Stack Team. Randi Keeton baked pizza for the Stack to accompany their tactical assault on games such as Halo 5, Call of Duty Black Ops3, and Hell Drivers. The latter of which will be a great test of the integrity of the Stack Team!



The event was an excellent culmination of the recruitment of family and friends and enjoyed by all. It is a small start to greater things the San Francisco Bay Area Stack hopes to accomplish and will achieve through the determination of our members to better the lives of veterans.


If you are interested in becoming involved with Stack-Up, you can sign up through You can also find more information on the San Francisco Bay Area Stack and how to get involved with them. Local Stacks are being created all over the United States, and we are here to support our troops.

Veterans are our mission. Gaming is our passion.

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