During the February All Stacks event, we worked with Pastor Mike of Hope Community Center to establish their Road Runner Food Bank distribution site. Through a lot of coordination, training, and logistics, this effort came to fruition on March 5th. Our volunteers helped register new clients and place boxes of food in vehicles for contactless delivery.

We showed at 0800, excited to open up the Hope Community Center's food distribution for the first time. Altogether, 100 homes were serviced, including many local veterans. We got to talk to them about our service and swap stories and messages of support as we registered them and delivered them to their vehicles.

Today, we were able to serve 100 vehicles and make a splash by gathering volunteers from Holloman AFB. Now that we've set a positive image for Hope Community Center we hope that more community volunteers will support the program and we can serve even more households!

If you are in New Mexico and would like to get involved with this chapter of The Stacks and participate in more events like this, please check out their information HERE. Not in that part of the country? No worries! You can find a chapter of The Stacks closest to you HERE and Stack Up with us today.