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The Stacks – Queens gets Crabby!

The Queens Stacks leads the way when it comes to The Stacks Program in finding inventive ways to get involved in their community. One project that they have been a part of is a Crab Census helping to count Horseshoe Crabs. Read on to hear Stack Lead Ethan, tell you all about their evening.


The Stacks

As in past years, the Queens Stack helped the Cornell Cooperative Extension with their horseshoe crab census. They did so by helping to count crabs during mating season and report on their findings.

Held during high tide, the counts include detailed information relating to the number of crabs and the breakdown between males and females. The counts are taken at several locations on Long Island, at high tide over the course of the mating season. Horseshoe crabs are of particular interest to the medical community because of the particular characteristics of their blood.

There is no hemoglobin, but they have hemocyanin to carry oxygen. Because of the copper in their blood, it’s blue. In addition, they have amebocytes that serve the same function as white blood cells. They identify and congeal around invading matter, thereby trapping it.

Members of the Queens Stack will probably be back later during the season to help with the count, hopefully, a part of another great Stack event!


What a great way to get out and spread the word of Stack Up. It is also a very unique way to give back to the community. Great job in Queens!

If you would like to get involved and are in the New York area hit up the Queens Stack HERE! Not in the area, no worries we have chapters of The Stacks all over the country, hit this LINK to find out more and Stack-Up in

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