The Queens Stack never ceases to amaze with the fantastic ideas they have for Stack gatherings. They always bring something interesting and unique to the Stacks! This time it was a film night featuring some in-depth discussion. Read on below to check in with the first-hand account!

On November 4th, the Queens Stack Leaders opened their home for a screening of European animated films. The screening was curated by Eliska Decka, a Czech student of animated film. She is pursuing her PhD in animation at the Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. In addition to her studies, Decka runs AniScreen, a not-for-profit that holds screenings of animated films in non-theatre locations.

In addition to six Stack members, there were a few guests, including Keith Crocker — a local film historian who also directed the feature films, “The Bloody Ape” and “Blitzkrieg: Escape from Stalag 69.”. The event lasted about an hour and was followed by lively conversation and snacks.

The Whinston/Cohen family is hoping to make this an annual event, and are already planning for next year.
What a great way to spend the evening and spread the word of Stack-Up. We look forward to reading about more events from the Queens Stack!