Hello again and welcome to another Supply Crate mission report. Today we have a sad story to tell you about our latest Supply Crate candidate. We would like to introduce you to Tookanian, a specialist serving in Afghanistan. Tookanian and his crew suffered some tragic losses, here is what he told us:
We’re an Infantry Platoon from the 82nd Abn tasked with Force Protection and Guardian Angel for TAAC-AIR advisors and pilots across Afghanistan. Recently two paratroopers from our Bravo Company were killed in Kandahar. That and the upcoming election has led to a large increase in missions and hours. The team is losing motivation, and as a consequence, effectiveness. Getting some games to play together in the off time would help everybody relax.

We are terribly sorry to hear about your losses, we are so thankful for the sacrifices you make every day. You boys deserve some recognition and a way to blow off some steam. We have the perfect supply crate packed and ready to send out to you. stand by for your care package soldier. We hope that the contents of the crate help you and your brothers find comfort and relief. Its our goal to help active duty service members like yourself increase their morale and their quality of life while they are deployed.

Thanks to Sgt Tickles for sponsoring this crate. These boys were in dire needs and you came to their aid when they needed it most. Thank you so much!
You can be a hero too, its not hard. All you have to do is take the link below and fill out an application for a veteran or active duty service member that you know that could benefit from receiving one of our special Supply Crates. Start changing lives today and become a hero.