Joshua requested a Supply Crate because he wanted to try connecting with others through gaming because his anxiety makes it difficult for him to connect in other ways.

Army veteran combat medic looking to connect with old friends from the army and make new connections via gaming, having a hard time connecting with new people/civilians, extreme anxiety about being in public places and hoping to overcome this.
Steve-O??? Anyway, back to our update:
As someone who has dealt with Social Anxiety since getting out of service, I feel ya there, Joshua. Gaming has allowed plenty of our Veterans a way to connect that's much less stressful and allows people to stay in the safety of their homes, all the while having fun.

Thanks and have a great weekend.
You are very welcome, Joshua. If you are looking for a community of Veterans to connect with, you are always welcome to our Discord.

Metal_Mitch sponsored Joshua's Supply Crate. Metal_Mitch likes to rock it out on Twitch playing Overwatch 2 if you are interested in checking his channel out.
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