Hello to everyone reading; thank you for opening up this link and checking out our page. If you are reading this and are unfamiliar with what a Supply Crate update is, this is our weekly or more post in which we tell you about a recent Supply Crate we sent out and the recipient who received it. It's just our way of showing you all where our Supply Crates end up going. Not sure what a Supply Crate is? Our Supply Crates program is one of the pillars of what we do as a charity, sending gaming care packages of consoles and games out to Veterans and Active Duty units alike.
Today's Supply Crate we'll be telling you about went out to Jonathan. Jonathan is a military Veteran who served overseas. He sent us the following with his request:
I joined in 05 and deployed in 2007 to Iraq, received a purple heart from a VBIED blast. Since returning i have started working for the VA, serving our own, and still battle residuals from my TBI.
This one is a pretty short and sweet request. Jonathan requested a Playstation 4, so we packed one up and shipped it out for him. Once he received it, he sent us the following reply:

Thank yall so much for the crate. STACK UP is awesome! My boys and I are looking forward to jumping into some of these games together and I am looking forward to reconnecting with some old friends over psn and gaming.
In gratitude,

Have fun gaming with friends! That's what we're here for, helping reconnect Veterans and Active Duty Military reconnect through gaming. While video games don't solve everything, they sure can help.
As always, we thank our sponsors in these Supply Crate updates. This particular gaming care package made it out to Jonathan with the help of Gorlami14, who raised $1000 through his Call to Arms event. Please be sure to check him out!
We have plenty of volunteer opportunities if you liked this Supply Crate update and found Stack Up interesting enough to get involved. Find out more by navigating to our 'How to Help' page by hitting the big red button below.