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Supply Crate – Desperate Flurry 4

It is time to check in with another great Supply Crate shipment. This request comes to us from a medically retired Marine named Steve. Read on below to check out Steve’s full request!

Supply Crate

So, I was med-sep’ed out of my beloved Corps after one too many IEDs rung my bell one too many times. I could have stayed but I was not able to re-enlist because I was still going through rehab at the TBI clinic, physical therapy, speech therapy, PTSD therapy … basically, I had 15 hours of Dr appointments a week.

So, the medical retirement was the only way to stay in while I got better before I got out. A lot of my boys got to stay in and deploy again and get promoted. Getting out has been rough, the jobs have paid little and the debt has piled up. Things needed to be sold to get by, and my Xbox that I used to play COD with the boys, had to go too.

My kids were not too happy with me when I let it go either, but mostly I miss playing with my brothers, the competition, the jokes, the camaraderie. There are guys out there that deserve these things way more than I do, but one of my boys said to give this a shot.

For many coming out of the service, financial hardships are an all too often reality. Something like a game console is a luxury when you are taking care of a family and bills and all the other fun things life likes to throw at you.

However, we at Stack Up also know how important gaming can be, from simple relaxation, to as Steve mentioned being able to socialize with friends who are important to you. To us, getting Steve back up and gaming was a no-brainer!

Thanks to amazing supporters like the Misfits Enterprises, we were able to pack Steve up a Supply Crate full of the latest in gaming fun and sent it off to him. He sent us back some words of thanks and this wonderful photo with his family!

Thank you, on behalf of my daughters and I, we are very grateful for your donation. This box was an awesome surprise to come home to after a Saturday that started with mandatory overtime.

Thank you, Steve! We hope the games help with some much needed downtime after working some of that over time, you deserve it!

If you’d like to make a donation that gets sent over to our troops as a Supply Crate, StackUp takes lightly used PS4, and Xbox One games and gear as well as cash donations. Please help us help these vets out here:

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