The second of our five summer oversized Supply Crates (the first of which went to Dugway Proving Ground last month) has gone to Fort Drum, New York, the largest military installation in the northeast of the United States. Stack Up was contacted by the Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) team on Fort Drum to see if we could help update their BOSS (Basic Opportunities for Single Soldiers) Recreational Facility. Generally speaking, BOSS program offices are places where the military would like single soldiers to get out from their barracks rooms and interact with one another, going kayaking or taking day trips off post together.
Fort Drum, being the size that it is, definitely had a sizable BOSS program hangout spot with plenty of stuff to do there. As far as gaming goes, they were no slouch: they had all last gen gear and two stations set up for Xbox 360s and Playstation 3s, but the other three gaming stations had PS4s and Xbox Ones there with a decent grip of games to complement them. However, it was time to take things into 2022, and so we delivered a brand new Playstation 5, as well as an Xbox Series S, an Oculus Quest 2 headset (to REALLY mix it up over there), and a Nintendo Switch, all with a bunch of new games.
One piece that we did include with these Supply Crates was an Origin PC and PC peripherals. Now, it wasn’t a gaming rig that we were donating here, as the PCs that Origin had donated to us had been in convention rotation for a few years at this point, but the PCs were to be used to allow individuals who might be having a rough go the ability to talk to someone through Stack Up’s Overwatch program. We set the machine up to be a dedicated machine used for nothing but our Discord chat in case someone might need a person to quietly talk to outside of their chain of command about their mental health.
In return for the gear we provided, Fort Drum was nice enough to send us some “exposure dollars” back, as they put up giant Stack Up posters in front of the Gamestop at the PX, as well as at all three of their gyms, providing a very large QR code that linked directly to Stack Up’s Overwatch program.
As a thank you to Angry Vet Gaming, his name was put down as the sponsor of this delivery!
Overall, a great event that Stack Up was happy to be a part of! We have three more events coming up like this, and the next one is happening at Fort Lewis, Washington, at the end of August! So keep your eyes peeled!
