David requested a Supply Crate so he could game as his post-military disabilities make getting out of the house pretty hard for him.
I served for 13 years (1987-2000), until I injured my back and received a head injury. I served in combat in Panama (Op Just Cause) and Desert Shield/Storm. During out down time some Marines would bring in to the common areas those game consoles and would let us play on them on them. 30 minutes each, but it was a blast and made the boredom go away. I don’t talk now and communicate thru my iPad. I’m scooter bound and need help most days for even the simplest of tasks. Obviously I don’t get out of my house much. The internet and gaming are pretty much all I have. I play online on an old Xbox one, which constantly loses internet connection and have limited games for. I make do, as best I can but it would be nice to have an updated system so I can play more games with my online friends with out losing connectivity and having the updated games to play with. We play all sorts (sims, racing, adventure, etc.), so any game is great. Thank you
Sometimes Military service leaves our Veterans without ways to enjoy life to the fullest. We believe a game console can help because not only does it allow Veterans to escape to a different reality, but allows Veterans like David a sense of freedom they can't get anywhere else. Playing games with friends online is really one of the biggest reasons we do this and being able to help Veterans like David do that with a new console means more to us than you would expect.
I am so excited to be able to get to play games with other Military Veterans. I would not be able to do this without your support. The XBox and headphones are so awesome. Thank you so very much.
David, USMC Veteran
You are very welcome, David and we hope you get tons of gaming out of this!
BeardedFrog sponsored David's Supply Crate. He's a Veteran himself who has also experienced mental health struggles. It's great to see Veterans supporting other Veterans who are struggling through the power of gaming. Check him out on Kick.
2024 is coming to its end! We could use just a few more dollars to help us get a good start on 2025, so if you're looking to support a charity before the New Year, support one that puts the money where we say it's going. Donate by hitting the button below.
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Я долго искала эффективное средство борьбы с целлюлитом и наконец нашла отличный вариант — антицеллюлитный массаж! Это процедура, которая действительно помогает улучшить циркуляцию крови, улучшает упругость кожи и способствует выведению токсинов из организма. В отличие от множества кремов, антицеллюлитный массаж действует намного быстрее и дает видимый результат уже после нескольких сеансов.
Мне повезло, что я обратилась в салон Insay SPA в Одессе. Мастера здесь профессионалы, и подход к каждому клиенту индивидуален. Массаж не только помогает избавиться от целлюлита, но и расслабляет, снимает напряжение и улучшает общее самочувствие.
Если вы ищете какой массаж лучше всего помогает от целлюлита , я настоятельно рекомендую попробовать антицеллюлитный массаж в Insay SPA. Это действительно работает! Все подробности можно узнать на их сайте
Huge kudos to BeardedFrog for sponsoring the Supply Crate and making a meaningful difference! Wishing David many hours of fun and camaraderie with his new setup planet clicker