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Supply Crate – Angel

Angel sits on a couch. He is wearing a red Stack Up T-shirt. An army green Stack Up t-shirt is laid up over the back of the couch. He has a brand new PlayStation 4 and PS4 games, headset and controller. Angel is holding up a Thank You note for PoN3D. He is smiling.
Have fun with that PS4!

It's Friday which means the weekend is tomorrow. Which also means a lot of you folks out there will be running your Call to Arms fundraisers. We can't wait to see them. If you are reading your first Supply Crate report, these are here so that we can talk about some of the service members and veterans that Call to Arms fundraisers benefit.

Many of these folks are soldiers deployed overseas, or they are veterans right here at home. Angel is one such veteran who spent some time in the Air Force and leans on video games for some support. Angel, in his request, let us know the following:

My name is Angel, and I am a 16 year veteran for the United States Air Force. I have been downrange on multiple deployments. I am home now, and I struggle to sleep at night as I suffer from severe PTSD and depression. The truth was when I came home, and I did not come back the same man I once was. At night in the hours, I cannot sleep, I find myself more gravitated to video games to keep the mind off the terrors that still haunt me. I currently see a therapist through my local VA, and it seems to help, but getting adjusted to civilian life has not been easy at all. I hope I am allowed to receive this program as a means to give my mind to peace in these long nights that I endure. Thank you. --- I used to have a ps4, but I gave it to my son, who lives in Ohio with his mom, and I would like to get another if I am considered. --- --- Again, thank you so much for what you guys are doing. It’s incredible and thoughtful. --- --- TSGT Alexander (Medical retired 2019)

Some of our staff know what coming home after deployments is like and that sense of not being the same anymore. That's why Stack Up exists. Though gaming cannot solve everything, it is an excellent aid for self-care and getting a break from all of the things that bother us.

Angel was short in his reply, but it still says a lot, nonetheless:

Thank you!!!

Stack Up Supply Crate, with PlayStation 4, PS4 games, controller and headset. With an army green Stack Up logo T-shirt and a Thank you not for xPoN3Dx.
Imagine Stack Up having Stack Up branded crates.

Thank you, Angel, for taking the time to apply and reach out. Enjoy that PlayStation 4.

Thanks also to the sponsor of this Supply Crate, xPon3Dx, who raised funds during Call to Arms V to help us get it out there. We're currently in the middle of the May run for Call to Arms VI, and over $86,000 has been raised so far.

If you want to get involved with Stack Up or know a veteran you want to nominate for a Supply Crate, you can learn more about us by clicking on the button below. It will take you to our "How to Help" page. Have a great weekend, everyone, and game on!

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