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Supply Crate – Andrew T

It's the holiday season, and it's a great time for giving. With that said, here's another Supply Crate update in which we give you the lowdown on a Veteran who received a gaming care package. Today's Supply Crate update comes from Andrew, an Army Veteran looking to get a Nintendo Switch for his children to game with.

Andrew and I have 4 children. A 5yo girl, a 8yo boy, a 8yo girl, and an 11yo girl with another on the way. Andrew served 9 and a half years total service of what was supposed to be a life long career before being medically retired in 2015 due to injuries received in Afghanistan. He is 130% disabled and 100% service connected. In May of 2017 our whole world flipped upside down when we lost everything in our house fire. We have reached out for help with our "new to us" water damaged 1970s double wide home and our vehicle and so far have gotten a working septic tank finally. With Christmas around the corner we're asking for help to get a nintendo switch for all 4 of our kids to play together on as they don't have their own system and Andrew needs his for his disabilities but would love to have one for them as well. We know 4 kids is a lot to ask for help with so we're not asking for anything individually for them at all. Thank you kindly for your time and consideration.

Gaming with family is one of the best ways to connect with one another. We want to help Veterans and their families through the power of gaming when we can. Andrew's wife sent in the request, and she sent us the following reply once they received their gaming care package:

Yes I did!! I tried to grab some with all seven of us but it did not work out with everything going on so this is the best one I've been able to get lol. The kids absolutely love it and we thank you beyond words!!!! We have spent a lot of nights playing as a family and Drew is finally truly joining them in it too!!!! We also went to Matt and Ash’s live and thanked them as well!!!

Thanks for telling us about Andrew and sharing pictures of your family! We hope the Nintendo Switch will help.

xMattxAshx are a pair of married gamers who stream together. Thanks to them for sponsoring this crate.

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