One of the most important film critics to ever live, Pauline Kale, cited that parody was the end of a genre. If that’s to be believed, then Deadpool should mark the end of the superhero phenomenon; just as Blazing Saddles marked the end of the western. I don’t think it is the case, however. Deadpool seems to scratch a different itch for the comic book film audience. Playing on the typical clichés one expects from a Marvel film but does so respectfully at the same time. No, I don’t think Deadpool marks the end of the superhero film. I think it marks the end of the gritty reboot. Of course, time will tell if that happens to be the case. Batman V. Superman is coming around the corner, and audiences are going to crowd the theaters for that one. It’s just an inevitability.

What about Deadpool itself? Is the movie any good at breaking the 4th wall which it’s comic book source does so well? Hell yes it does! This movie could have only been made by someone who has a true masterful knowledge of film and the character this film represents. There are a few instances of Deadpool addressing the audience and playing with the camera that any other comedic film would have gotten wrong. The fact Deadpool gets it so right is a testament to Tim Miller: first time feature director and director of that badass Deadpool treatment which leaked on the internet a few years ago. Tim Miller deserves more credit than he is receiving. Hopefully, this isn’t the last we see of his work. If you’re a gamer””and chances are if you’re reading this on Stack Up then you are a gamer””he’s directed quite a number of your favorite video game cinematics and trailers. All the cinematic Star Wars: Old Republic trailers, the Bruce Wayne Arkham Knight trailer, actually, let’s just name everything BLUR studios has done because he founded the damn studio. Yeah, you want this guy to keep doing work not just with video game trailers but, hopefully, with film. He deserves it.

Then there’s Ryan Reynolds in a role I’m pretty sure he was born to play. Just as Hugh Jackman was born to play Wolverine and loves every minute of it, I think FOX sees the potential of Ryan Reynolds loving the character he might be playing for a good number of years. We all knew he was perfect casting even in the abomination that was X-men: Origins Wolverine, but failed to deliver on what fans wanted. Reynolds has been an advocate for this film for over a decade, and the word around rumor mountain is he had a big hand in the “leak” of the Deadpool test footage. Every movie goer loves a comeback kid. I’m not sure if Ryan Reynolds is that, but in my mind’s eye he certainly is. The rest of the cast is pretty much scenery for Ryan Reynolds. The script really works for him and his character. Every interaction he has services Reynolds’ wit and charm whilst playing Deadpool. In fact, it’s hard to get a grasp of who is playing whom, and it’s pretty freaking glorious.

Deadpool, for all intents and purposes, is supposed to mark the end of an era. In a way, so was Guardians of the Galaxy being a parody-light in the Disney-Marvel movies that came before it, and maybe Deadpool is a parody of the X-men movies more than it is a parody of the gritty reboot. Disney is doing great work in terms of dark comic book stories with Netflix, and I’m someone who will defend Man of Steel to the death (as a film). I’m someone who hated Avengers 2, likes Ant-Man, and thinks Guardians of the Galaxy is just okay. I like film, not comic books movies, and if you’re someone who enjoys film you need to see Deadpool. It’s one of the funniest films to come out this year.