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Call to Arms VII Spring Rewards Update

Stack Up Call to Arms VII | TLDR: 2022 Rewards Request Coming in December

Good afternoon!

We want to thank each and every one of you and your communities for taking part in this year’s Call to Arms VII! With everyone’s combined efforts this Spring, we’ve raised nearly $240,000 so far for Veterans' mental health and suicide prevention.

For this year’s rewards redemptions, things will be slightly different. As always, if you have raised enough money to sponsor a Supply Crate, VetroFit, or an Air Assault, those will be automatically added to our roster to be carried out at a future date. We prioritize on a first-raised basis, and we are working hard to resolve the backlog from 2021. Over 200 Supply Crate sponsorships have been raised this year alone!

We will send out a redemption request for all other rewards at the end of the year. Normally, we do two request forms per year, but unfortunately, we have not yet met the minimum order requirements for some of our rewards items. To meet these requirements, we will do an end-of-year request after the Fall season. Nothing changes with the rewards overall, just when we will make our big redemption order and ship things out to you.

If you haven’t hit a certain goal but want to, you have six more months in which to push towards those milestones. So, between now and December 31st, you still have time to do that. You can do your events any day of the year. If you’ve got an event you are looking to schedule, please let me know so we can support it!

We will be announcing the redemption form via email, Discord, and our social media later this year, so keep an eye out. In the meantime, please know that you can still use code C2A2022 at checkout on our web store for any items there, and feel free to reach out to me for any questions or concerns you may have. We want to keep our processes as transparent and user-friendly as possible.

Thank you to everyone who has worked with us on this Call to Arms and who continues to work with us to support our programs for Veterans. You are all truly heroes, and we couldn’t be more excited to be working with you all.


Stack Up Staff

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