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PC Vetrofit Crate – Jason

Good day everyone. We're here with more PC Vetrofit Crate updates. If you're unaware of what a PC Vetrofit is, it's a subprogram of our Supply Crates program in which we send a gaming PC to a deserving Veteran.

Today's update comes from recipient Jason, a combat Veteran of the Army.

I was a combat engineer and lost both my legs at the hip in Afghanistan back in 2012. I did 8 years in the Army with 3 deployments and was medically retired as a Staff Sergeant. Since, I've been a stay home dad and game when I can which is usually at night after my daughter goes to bed. Now that my daughter started school I’m looking to go back as well now. My current computer is my 2009 laptop that has been through 2 deployments and can run some games from that time at very low settings. For newer games I usually wait till they come to Xbox as some eventually make it there. I do have an Xbox but the downside of that is the player group size. I am on the stack up discord but fail to find people on Xbox (for the games I play) as most people use a computer so I haven’t been too regular. I use gaming as a type of therapy for my mental wellbeing, being able to connect with some old army friends and talking about stuff I don’t normally talk about does wonders.

Sounds like Jason was ready for a major upgrade. While we love consoles here, Jason is right about how sometimes PC games we want to play don't eventually reach consoles. They also tend to be a little more universal in terms of player base, so it does make a difference.

After the PC reached Jason, he sent us the following short but sweet reply:

Thanks so much!

No problem, Jason. It's what Stack Up loves to do.

Jason's Supply Crate was sponsored by GryphonAMX. If you click on the GryphonAMX tag below, you can see all of the other wonderful crates Gryphon has sponsored. You can also follow this link to check out GryphonAMX on Twitch!

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