Some more great news from The Stacks! You may have read the announcement from the Boston Stack and their event with Veterans Inc. Now after the event has happened Boston Stack lead Tanner Hastings takes a moment to tell us all about it. Read below to hear more on this neat video gaming tournament.
This past Veterans Day weekend, Veterans Inc. hosted a Call of Duty tournament as part of their first-ever Freedom Song Festival. The Boston Stack teamed up with Troy Brin, the Manager of Outreach and Strategic Partnership for Veterans Inc., to produce this tournament and make it successful.
Brin added a gaming event to help advertise the non-profit’s Post 9/11 Veterans Support program. Thanks to the generous grants provided in-part by the Call of Duty Endowment (CODE), the program offers young service men and women the means to find a job back in the United States.
“We’re not just looking to place veterans in jobs,” says Brin, “we’re looking to place veterans in high-paying careers.”

The Post 9/11 Team individualize their support to each client’s needs, whether that be in advising steps towards their desired career, teaching important networking and interview skills, or just tips on how to dress for success. Best of all, the support program doesn’t end with “you’re hired!” Brin and the Post 9/11 team are proud to provide support throughout a veteran’s career, whether it’s about professional development, under-employment, or even about changing careers. “Even if it’s been 10, 15, or 20 years since we last talked,” says Brin, “we’re never going to say ”˜no’ to a veteran.”
Brin and his colleagues have recently become grantees of Activision Blizzard’s Call of Duty Endowment, which allows them to provide some magnificent services to help young veterans find jobs after their service. As veterans of the War on Terror and former clients of CODE themselves, Troy and the Post 9/11 team recognize that the best way to reach millennial veterans is through their common interests.

While the Festival had a modest turnout, the Call of Duty tournament caught plenty of attention, including from a veteran who managed the rented game trailer! All of the players left with a specialized Infinite Warfare trinket courtesy of CODE, not to mention plenty of Stack-Up swag to spread the word! The grand prize winner (who just so happened to be a veteran!) went home with a brand new PS4, a Legacy Pro Edition copy of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, and one of Stack-Up’s very own game cases!
The Post 9/11 team has shown a deep interest in working with Stack-Up in the future. With the lessons, we learned in this event, and plenty of support from both of our groups, we plan to make our next event an even bigger success!
Awesome job out there in Boston. Looks like a good time was had by everyone involved!