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the stacks a thank you for the san francisco stack

You may know our San Francisco Stack from the event write ups that you see here on Stack-Up.Org. As part of The Stacks, they do such an amazing job volunteering in their community and doing fantastic work helping veterans. We recently received some word of thanks from one of the SanFranStack’s partners at the North Bay Vet Center. Check out the letter below.



I wanted to touch base with you and let you know how appreciative the North Bay Vet Center is to be involved with Stack UP. Anthony has been working with one of my counselors, Mat, to provide LAN events at our center. Attendance and participation has increased with each event. More important is the impact this has had for us and the vets we provide services for. A couple of our highest risk vets attend our LAN events.

The Stacks

This provides a safe, nonthreatening platform for the vets to be engaged with other vets and our staff, including Anthony. Every moment a vet spends in the company of other vets is a small victory for wellness and our fight to keep one more vet from ending his or her life. Our LAN events are also bringing veterans into the Vet Center who would not otherwise consider walking into a “counseling” center. This has included some very disenfranchised vets. Once here, they talk to other vets and learn about some of the benefits and services they are entitled to and they have fun.

Stack UP also joined us at the Morgan Horse Ranch at Point Reyes when North Bay Vet Center and Project HOPE volunteered to clean up the barn. Having six volunteers from Stack UP was of great help. We are hoping to begin providing equine therapy for veterans at the ranch.

The Stacks

Anthony has been such an asset for us and he believes in the Stack UP mission. So do we! Please know that your organization has touched some of our veterans and given them more than just a game to play. The North Bay Vet Center is grateful to you, Anthony and Stack UP.

Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving!



Thank you so much, Linda! It is awesome to hear back that the work the San Francisco Stack is doing is having such a positive impact. This is exactly what The Stacks program is intended to facilitate and the SanFranStack exemplifies this at every level.

If you would like to get involved and are in the San Francisco area hit up the San Fran Stack HERE! Not in the Bay area, no worries we have Stacks all over the country, hit this LINK to find out more and StackTFUp in your town today!

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