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Supply Crate – Winter Rain 5

We have another awesome Supply Crate deployment to share with you. This one comes to us from Robert in the Army, who is looking to boost the morale of his fellow soldiers! Read the full request below.

I am currently serving in a flight troop of AH-64E Guardian Attack Helicopters that support the special forces unit that is combating ISIS for Mosul. We are currently deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Inherent Resolve and our main unit is stationed on a post that has amenities such as a USO and MWR facility. 

The place where we are stationed is not as fantastic. 
We are currently living seven to eight people in a 10 x 10 metal can. We had to build our own bunk beds to make more room for our soldiers. We run 24 Hour operations from a tent that supports our troops.

I understand that I might not be picked but I pick up the mail for our task force and recently sent one of your Supply Crates to one of our outlining units and figured I would try and see if I’m able to get a system or two for my crew chiefs to be able to come in and play while and get their mind off of how we are living. I told them I would try and if this didn’t work then I was going to ask for help from my family to send a support package from home.
Hopefully, we are picked to receive a crate in hopes of building morale since our deployment just started and we have 9 more months left before we deploy back to the States. So I figured it is worth a shot and trying to get this done and see if we get picked up or not to be supported.

This is one of the great things about working with Veterans and Active Duty personnel, the fellowship they share with each other. Robert is just looking out for his buddies, and understanding that they have a tough job wants to make it just a bit easier for them.

Well, we here at Stack Up are more than happy to lend Robert the assist and get some gaming consoles sent over for these soldiers to enjoy. We packed up a Supply Crate full of video game goodies, games, and of course a console and sent it downrange for the Troops! Robert was only too kind to send back a photo of everyone enjoying the fun!

Thanks again Robert for your efforts in looking out for your fellow soldiers! We hope the troops enjoy the games and it helps to keep the morale on point!

If you’d like to make a donation that gets sent over to our troops as a Supply Crate, Stack-Up takes lightly used PS4, and Xbox One games and gear as well as cash donations. Please help us help these vets out here:

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