Units continue to be deployed around the world and far from their families. William and his unit are one such group working away to ensure the equipment he and his unit work on are maintained and ready to go should we need them.
I believe a Supply Crate for our unit would be a great way to boost morale and keep everyone engaged in our deployed environment. In our environment we promote the fit to fight mentality to its highest degree when it comes to comms, but as we work hard we should be able to play hard and some of us in the unit don't have the means to enjoy ourselves. I want to add to our environment and bring morale nights to another level in our deployed environment.
No problem, William! We gladly packed up and shipped out a Supply Crate to these airmen, and they sent us a reply:

Hey Ian,
I just want to thank you for being so patient with me in getting you this. I wish I would have been able to get you pics sooner, part of it was me forgetting to bring the system on base and the other is mission first. When I did get the system on base I was only able to snag a few pics in the same pose since we had a lot going during drill and it was tough to rally troop for the photo. Again I thank you for the opportunity to participate in this gracious gift and hope that this photo finds you well at stack up.
Ian is our guy at the warehouse, helping Dave ensure Supply Crates make it out the door after packing them up and then communicating with recipients to make sure they received everything. He's been doing a fantastic job.

FNHPaul sponsored William and his unit's Supply Crate. FNHPaul has sponsored Supply Crates before, and we're glad he joined us once again to answer the Call to Arms. Please check out his channel here.
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