Troy requested a Supply Crate for another soldier who saved his life. The servicemember in question is on a fixed income, so getting a new $500 console would put a financial strain on him.
I want to present this in respect of someone saving my life when in fact, I could have been with no legs or lifeless. Someone cared enough to see that I made it home. They just got their disability and he can not afford a console. I can’t afford one either but, I don’t play with these games.

We're glad soldiers who recognize the strength and goodness of others like Troy exist, and as part of that gratefulness, we were happy to supply him with a gaming care package to gift.
Well, This dude in the picture is making it through a series of things. Per his permission, he is grateful for the system. He is just reuniting with his family after being released from a center where he has successfully completed therapy. This donation made his day and gave some motivation. He took the picture and is now watching his daughters connect it to his T.V. Thanks to Stack UP and @Davmandave. This came right on time!!! His battle buddies who made it home in the original picture are on the way over now to introduce him to the game of gaming.
Thanks for making this possible and for what you guys do.
Thanks for sending in the request, and we're glad we could help provide this.

Davmandave sponsored Troy's Supply Crate. Thanks to Davmandave and his community for raising $1k+ for Stack Up. He can be found on Twitch.
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