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Supply Crate – Steve

Marine Corps Veteran Steve requested a Supply Crate so that he could connect with other Veterans who game because he missed the camaraderie:

I joined in 1997, straight out of high school. Early in my career I had 2 deployments to Okinawa. In 2003 was part of the invasion and had a ruff deployment. Came home was sent to Okinawa for 3 years, during that time got divorced do to issues I did not want to deal with. In 2007 was sent back to Iraq for a second tour and had everything from 2003 come back seeing the same places I saw the first time. It was not until 2018 that I looked for help from the TBI clinic. I recently retired and have a good job, but think about the what ifs of staying in. I also miss being around other service members, which I do not have at my current job. Just need some sort of out to reconnect with other that have served.

Part of what makes leaving Military service difficult is that it came with a routine and direction as well as camaraderie. Every day, you knew what the goal was and came to get it done. Video games can help out with the loss of that sense of direction as games have goals to be completed in the form of quests and missions while still leaving room for doing what you want. They can also help our Veterans connect with old friends and new ones who have had similar experiences, as Steve wanted.

I want to shout oiler a huge thank you to both stack up and the donor Ogr3magi. Thank you so much you don’t know what this means to me and the family.

You're welcome, Steve!

Ogr3Magi sponsored Steve's Supply Crate. Ogr3 has been part of Stack Up's Stream Team for some time and has been a long-time supporter. We appreciate him and his community and think you should check him out on his channel.

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