Army Veteran Phillip learned about Stack Up and thought he would give us a reach out to see if we could help him reconnect with other Veterans via gaming.

I am an Army veteran that just learned about Stack Up from another veteran. The only socialization I currently enjoy is with veterans I’ve served with or chance meetings with other combat veterans. I just don’t get out of the house much and with an ever changing civilian world I am struggling to engage socially. I remember on deployments it was a lot of fun playing online with various soldiers and even having tournaments.
As I’ve gotten older video gaming has gotten so expensive and almost a niche among single guys who can afford to spend money on items like this. I have a wife and 3 kids…even buying new underwear seems selfish so a purchase like this seems like a pipe dream.
Learning about the various games that other veterans are currently gaming online is intriguing. It has become some what of a social meetup and a way for veterans to cope together and just spend time bonding hundreds of miles away. I would love to be considered for this new connection and look forward to becoming a part of a community again
Well, that's definitely something we can help with. We're well aware of the costs of the latest consoles. $500 for a new console and games adds up fast when there is food to be put on the table.
As for helping Phillip connect with other Veteran gamers outside of getting the hardware, we have a mental health-focused discord community folks can join anytime. It's a great way to connect with others in a moderated space. Join at discord.gg/stackupdotorg.

We are blown away at the resources received. I can’t wait to link up with other veterans!!!
We'll see you around, Phillip! Game on.

EdPlacencia sponsored Phillip's Supply Crate. EdPlacia made it to Stack Up's Wall of Heroes in the Bronze Tier. We thank him and his community for fundraising with Stack Up in 2023! If you'd like to check out EdPlacencia, we last saw him playing some Overwatch. He's on Twitch.
Want to get your name on the Wall of Heroes for 2024? The time to start is now! Or you can sign up now and plan an event for our Memorial Day or Veterans Day push. Plenty of time in which to plan out incentives, milestones, and promo your fundraiser.