Why fundraise for Stack Up? At $1k, we send a Supply Crate to a Veteran or Active Duty unit, and at $3k, we send another out. Raise over $20k, and you could sponsor an Air Assault trip for a group of Veterans.
Now let's get into today's Supply Crate update. Michael's unit is serving overseas, and they use gaming to connect with their families back home:
Currently serving overseas, me and my team have kids back home that do gaming. We have a set up in our CP to were if we are to get a system we can log on and play with our kids in matches an other gaming activities to stay in touch with family and friends back home

Hasn't technology come a long way? If you were in the Military more than a decade+ ago, you probably remember phone calls being made on an old telephone with a collect card. With cell phones and online gaming, it's easier to connect with our loved ones more than ever. It's something we're excited we get to help with.

Good morning,
Sorry for the delay i was out traveling other sites. Thank u all so much again!
SFC Michael
Thank you, Michael, for informing us about your unit and how we can help!

ThatCampinGuy sponsored Michael and his unit's Supply Crate. Thanks to him, they'll get to enjoy some gaming with their families. Check him out on Twitch.
Let's go get to that $350,000 goal by the end of May. We believe in our fundraisers. Hit the button below to fundraise or donate.