Before we get into today's Supply Crate update, we wanted to bring you a quote from Metal Gear Solid. MGS has some solid quotes if we don't say so ourselves.

A strong man doesn't need to read the future. He makes his own. - Solid Snake, Metal Gear Solid
Back to it. Michael is an Army Veteran who wanted a console to play with his son but found it a bit hard to find the funds to do so. Here's what he told us:

I served 8yrs total, 3yrs active, 1yr NG and the rest Reserves. I enlisted in July 03 and deployed Dec. 03, volunteered to go back to Iraq in 05 just never got the orders. I divorced not long after I got home from my first ex wife. I've since remarried and divorced a 2nd time. I get my son every week and we've started to get into playing the old Wii, but would love to play something more recent like the switch. I love spending time with my son. We also like to go out and shoot model rockets, but with the weather getting colder, that's getting a bit difficult to do. But even with my girlfriend and I working we barely make ends meet.

Model rockets would be fun to ship with Supply Crates but probably not a good idea. Michael's son sounds cool.

Thank you for the console and one of his favorite games, Mario Kart.
Mario Kart is one of our favorites too. Who doesn't like taking the competition out with a banana?

Eweaselbeth sponsored Michael's Supply Crate by raising $1000 while meeting the Call to Arms. Interested in answering the Call? Sign up for a DonorDrive page here and get to fundraising!
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